Monday, August 31, 2015

Marathon Keys; Florida keys

Unfortunatly, since I had my phone stolen I lost all my pictures from my vacation. However 2 were recovered. The week was suppose to be dedicated to lobstering but it was just a bad time to have tried that, considering we came home with 4 lobster's. But it was a great experience! I seen so many sea creatures I had never seen before! A sea turtle as big as me, so many sea urchins! Star fish bigger than my head. And lets not forget the jelly fish. Oh Lord, got so tore up our bodies were burning from head to toe.
And everything is so much more expensive there its crazy! Gas at marinas were almost $5 a gallon! But every restaurant we went to, you sat outside or in a nice covered porch by the marina. No a/c! But a nice experience I enjoyed!

So many tiki huts everywhere.

Theif on the run.

Just a friendly reminder; Don't leave your purses in plain view in your car! Mine was tragically stolen along with wallet and phone. I'm just so tore up about the $40 I spent on that beautiful purse to have it taken and looted. Luckily for me I have a very nice friend who replaced it! :)
I fought back urges to hunt this creature down and take back what was rightfully mine. People are so cruel.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Februrary. 8. 2014

On this wonderful Saturday of February 8, my dear Pard had one of her poems read aloud at a community Ranch rodeo. For as talented as she is it must be noticed. I put the thought in her mind with a bit of urging to have it read for all to hear. Today. And although I cant believe it myself it was spread into the ears of others. Her name was entailed and I alone had the goose bumps let alone what she was feeling! What excitement and joy! I am going to enclose the poem for you all to see and be amazed at! You can also visit her blog here.

Talent at its finest.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

When Inspiration calls

Writing a song or even having the talent for it is an unexpected rarity not usually discovered. But hidden by those with a passionate soul. We stow away with our battered guitars and hide what can come from it. A melody soars through our hearts and takes our feelings along with it. Gifts come in all shapes an sizes but only some can find it and run with it. Today I am thankful for my talented Pard, without her I couldn't write one lyric nor write one chord without her inspiration. Some nights were tired an worn out and yet that seems to be the time all music comes riding in. Strange how inspiration works. And its then we have to write down even that small line of a lyric and it rides from there. So here's to song number 8 and my best pard.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Funday

This was all excitement! Me an my Pard on this brisky Friday decided to do something we have not done together in a long time. Too long. Riding horses! Who knew right!? First stop; Get in the Diesel. Second stop; Circle K. -Amp, Check. Back in the truck for a jolly ride while getting hyped and thru a few pasture gates then the real deal is here. Horses. So now we got Amp a ride in a Diesel and horses. Who could ask for more? Especially on a sweet winter day in Florida. And yes it got hot. But when our riding the breeze it pays totally off. Please go Visit her Blog too! We try to keep yall posted in our lives an such.

                     Us Riding horses in our winter clothes.

Back in the Diesel after the ride.
And Ole Jake in the back

That sums up for picture wise but in the truth we had an amazing day and going to do it again soon!